A range of updated resources is available at www.vocations.ireland.anglican.org along with the ‘It’s Your Call’ video which highlights the call to ordained ministry. These resources include posters, Instagram and PowerPoint images and articles on pathways to ordination, lay ministry, pioneer ministry, and understanding selection.
Anyone with an interest in exploring a vocation to ordained ministry is encouraged to speak with their Rector.
The Commission on Ministry is keen that Vocation Sunday continues to be marked this year, even with our current circumstances, and to keep a conversation going in parishes around vocations.
The Central Director of Ordinands, the Revd Canon David Gillespie, said: ‘We had planned a new video, a sequel to last year’s ‘It’s Your Call’ focussing on the wide range of lay ministries which exist in the Church of Ireland. We are keen to make a similar high-quality video as before and, given the various restrictions that have been in place over the last few months, we decided to pause its production. The funding is in place for the video which we hope to be able to produce in time for Vocations Sunday 2021.
‘This year, Vocation Sunday will be a somewhat scaled down affair, but the Commission on Ministry would encourage rectors to still observe the day in their parishes and to continue the important conversation about the need for vocations.’