Youth Ministry.
It will be significant as leaders continue to support young people in their discipleship over the coming weeks and months. This document is just a start to share suggestions for how we can engage with young people. Many organisations and groups are developing creative ways to connect and we would love as many as possible to be found in this resource.
The document will be updated each week and we would love to include new ideas as we discover together how to support young people across Ireland. Many thanks to those who made this resource happen so quickly!
The resource is available at this link.
Please remember to check in regularly for updates:
The Clogher Diocesan Youth Officer, Jonny Phenix has written to youth leaders, outlining the resource.
Dear Youth Leaders,
CIYD have produced a resource to support youth leaders across our Parishes in Ireland during this unique and challenging time in our ministry to young people.
I hope this will help you as leaders to continue to support your young people in their discipleship and relationship with Jesus over the coming weeks and months.
This document is just a beginning as we walk together in what is unchartered ground for us all.
You may well have already set in motion means and methods for connecting remotely with your groups of young people through various online platforms.
By all means feel free to share here any thoughts or ideas that you have found beneficial in this regard.
Also, please remember our Safeguarding guidelines.
CIYD will be updating the document below each week as we learn and develop together this new means of ministry together.
For continued and more information and possibilities please visit the CIYD Facebook page and website for useful downloads to assist you and your work with young people online.
The CIYD FUEL (Lectio Divina) resource will also be available as a PDF on the Facebook and CIYD website.
Perhaps, this will prove to be a significant time for our young people in developing their personal times of prayer, and reflection.
As we support our young people in a very different situation, I pray that out of this storm we will find Jesus and an increased rest in Him our greatest source of strength and reassurance.
If I can be of any help please feel free to text, call or email me.
Every blessing